Netflix and Sarah Palin

Maybe I’m just a humorless jerk, but I didn’t find this funny:

You see, the lefties had started a Twitter hashtag #SarahPalinFilms trashing the former governor and GOP vice presidential nominee. Netflix saw fit to join in the Sarah-bashing.

Then, when asked about it, lied. So that’s two strikes. But, the first is enough for me.

Now, had they done such a thing with Barack Obama also, then there’d be the chance that Netflix was ragging on both sides of the political spectrum. But, no. They only poke fun at the right. So, this right wing nutcase isn’t sharing any more of his money with Netflix. After all these years, I’ve canceled my Netflix account:

I’ll be able to find enough to watch without them. It’s a shame, though. I’ve been a customer a long time.

Too bad they don’t respect their customers. At least, their right-wing customers.


  1. They’ll do fine without you. I just joined as did three other people in my household. Anyone who calls out this hate-filled grifter is fine in my book. Have a great day!


    Dang, and I was looking at them for my “cut the cable cord” alternative. Oh well, once this goes viral and it will Netflicks will be “backin’ up, backin’ up my daddy taught me good” . And LeisaS you have a Blessed day as well. May whatever “god” you worship fill your life just full of everything you deserve and much, much more. Come on back anytime, this blog believes in the laying on of virtual hands for the gift of knowledge.

  3. I was just thinking. You know how they’ve done studies that say that women vote based partly on appearance, especially for president. I’m not sure whether to be sad or glad that men don’t seem to think that way. While I’m glad they use other guidelines, I’m sad that Sarah didn’t get elected VP. Seriously if people had savaged Hitlery, or Nanny or Moochell the way they’ve savaged Gov. Palin we’d never hear the end of it. (not a cracked pot)

  4. LeisaS, you guys subscribed to 3 separate accounts living under the same roof? LOL

    I saw this last night but was going to give Netflix a pass, but now you’ve encouraged me to cancel.

  5. Spoiler alert: the movie sucked long before the Palin bashing part, ad honestly, there have been movies far more insulting to the right, certain people on the right, and women in general than this. This is not what I think of as a fall-on-sword/boycott moment.
    Seriously. A movie that bashes on of our heroines? (I love that word!) You don’t say. A media company that likes that? Zut alors. Watch something else that has some right wing cred and BOOST ITS RATINGS. That’s what gets attention.
    SUre, it’s your money, do with it what you will, but I feel like the left is counting on us to tune out.

  6. So Basil—one of the personas used by the dissociative identity disorder afflicted owner of this site—doesn’t think the Palin picture is funny and calls on everyone to stop using netflix. Unfortunately television only has one channel left to watch and it gets boring. Netflix and Starbucks offer products that I enjoy and politics I despise. This reminds me of the Chick-fil-A protest. The point is that Basil always has a trick up his sleeve and a point he’s making that’s the opposite of what you expect. I like starbuck, chick-fil-a, and netflix. Not necessarily in that order. I’ll keep using all of them. If I get upset about something that they do I don’t think it’s helpful to try to organize a giant protest campaign like a giant sniveling crybaby. You don’t like they’re actions you’re free to stop using their products, but this escalation to some kind of grass-roots campaign to destroy the company is not only hopelessly doomed to pathetic failure but it’s misguided in the extreme. BTW It is kind of funny. She’s not St. Palin ferchrisake.

    • Jack, this post is actually pretty straight-forward — although I’m glad when someone recognizes the message under the message. But, as I said, this is straight to the point. I don’t like what Netflix did and I really don’t like that they lied about it.

      Having said that, I’m not calling for a boycott. I’m simply choosing to spend my money elsewhere. Or, since I have Hulu Plus and Amazon Prime already, not spend the money at all.

  7. I wouldn’t worry about Palin too much…she’s been laughing at lefties all the way to the bank for quite a few years, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

  8. I saw that movie. What a turd. The Palin caracature was obvious hyperbole of what the left wants to believe about her. The Tweet was accurate if poorly worded. And the “lie” was just another case of a PR department being wrong when responding to complaints. Really folks. Get a grip. This is nothing to cancel or renew subscriptions over. If you stop using products based on the liberal or communits points of view of the people running them, then get used to making your own toilet paper from tree bark. All of your entertainment is created by people who support Obama. It stars people who never miss a chance to bash western civilization and good people anywhere to the right of Joseph Stalin. And don’t you dare buy anything made in China (the communist one–run by COMMUNISTS). All your computers, software, TV sets, entertainment content, music, Ipods/pad/phones are created and marketed by companies that are a lot worse than Netflix in their disdain of one has-been political sweetheart.

    Our government is crushing traditional America and you guys want to get your panties in a knot over Netflix? I dare you to find any entertainment alternatives that will do better.

    And while we are at it, what has Sarah Palin done for us that is worthy of our veneration? I know she did a lot of fundraising for the Republican party, but how has that benefited anyone in the lower 48? We all need a better class of heros to worship.

  9. And while I’m here, I can’t let that comparison to Chick-fil-A go unanswered. The Chick-fil-A issue was over the president making a statement on his personal religious beliefs. The Netflix is one of a personal attack, and a message, that if you have conservative beliefs, then you are our target. And it was one done on an official company relations venue.

  10. I really didn’t want to be stuck here all day, but wow @13, what a load of crap. You try to make it sound as if a movie designed to mock Palin, was secretly designed to mock the left that mock Palin. Yes, an industry which you yourself admit is run by Obama supporters, is secretly bashing Obama supporters. How crafty!

    As for China, when our government stops regulating our industries to death and pricing us out of markets, I will be glad to consider boycotting China. In the meantime, I will continue to support the country that is moving toward economic freedom, if not there yet.

    Speaking of hyperbole, this isn’t a question of veneration. Palin is being attacked, and she is being attacked because she holds conservative values. If you don’t think that is worth defending, then you’ve come to the wrong website.

  11. @ 15,
    1. I did not suggest that the makers of that movie were secretly mocking the left. They were obviously intentionally mocking Palin. I saw the movie. But since good mockery needs a grain of truth, and there was no truth in their caracature other than a physical resemblance, then one can easily conclude that they were not mocking a real Palin, but a Palin they have created in their own minds, from listening to each other.

    2. Re: China. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Pick and choose which demons you will support and which you will cast out. The result is the same.

    3. Palin is a big girl. As attacks go, this one is pretty lame. But the real issue here is that the character assassination in the movie is not the character assassination by Netflix. Netflix rightly claimed that the movie was a poorly done parody. An accurate assessment. They further claimed that they, as a company, do not have a political position for or against Palin or anyone else, another accurate statement. What more could you ask of them?

    4. I cancelled Netflix last month, before it was popular.

    5. There already was an Obama-parody film. It was called “Idiocracy”.

  12. @ JP: ~~~~~

    Netflix content quality has declined dramatically from what it once was. I dropped it long ago.

    Basil is right – the original offense is pretty much par for the course with leftists. But then they lie – right to your face – trying to weasel out of it. That’s just insulting.

    C’mon Netflix don’t be such gutless punks – own up to your actions or, if you regret them, apologize like a mature person does.

  13. I quit watching TV in 2003. I don’t miss it and I get a lot more done. Now that I’m “on the outside looking in” I can see the effect it has on people. It isn’t pretty, and it often creeps me out.

    Jack #7,

    Part of Basil’s post must be missing from my screen. Could you please direct me to the part where he encourages everyone to stop using Netflix? All I see is that he said HE has stopped using it.

  14. @ 16
    Your deliberate choice of the phrase “obvious hyperbole” does not match your explanation in #1. Just exactly who was the hyperbole obvious to? The writers engaging in hyperbole? The leftists at Netflix? Just us conservatives?
    WRT #2, speaking of hyperbole, yet again, sleeping at night and picking and choosing demons!? I don’t think so. Not avoiding the Made in China label may be demonic in your mind. Not so in mine.
    WRT #3, no one is saying that Palin needs defending. That’s not the point. Netflix is poking their finger in the eye of conservatism. There is no defending Netflix on this issue. None. They knew what the hashtag was being used for, before they tweeted.

  15. 21. Professor Hale says:
    @ damn cat: So it was prophetic as well as parody. I hate it when that happens.

    “As well”? As well as what? Prophetic it may be – but you said it was an “Obama-parody” – which it wasn’t.

  16. Pingback: Netflix Plays a Sarah Palin Hashtag Game, Gets Burned - DailyFinance

  17. Wait – did I misread something? Prof Hale – you cancelled Netflix “last month – before it was popular?” Netflix just became popular last month?

    You’d think by now the Left would have moved on to placing their energy into other things. It’s like they wake up and have absolutely nothing else to do but pick on Palin. You’d think they’d get bored.

  18. I’ve heard of this movie Iron Sky, even saw a trailer for it on the Youtube, but was the movie actually ever made?
    I couldn’t tell if it was supposed to be a parody, but a movie about Nazis from outerspace might be a pretty good show – as long as the good guys win in the end.
    I don’t watch movies where the good guys don’t win; if I wanted to get depressed, I’d just watch the evening news.

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