I saw as breaking new on the Drudge Report that nine in ten are for outlawing texting while driving. At some point, though, isn’t this all covered under regular reckless driving laws? Or do we actually have to pass separate laws for absolutely ever idiotic thing someone can think of doing while driving, such as a “no jigsaw puzzles while driving” law?
No reading IMAO while driving. It leads to inferior comments like this one.
Stupid should be painful.
Darn… I was gonna think of an example for one, but I think Socrates just went and pwned everyone with his.
Stupid is painful, just not always for the person exercising his stupidity.
Hey, I text while I’m driving!
And I’m pretty danged dangerous while doing it, too.
No two handed thumbwar while driving!
No making pottery while driving.
No Wii while driving!
No blogging while driving!
No knitting while driving!
No talking in sign-language while driving!
No playing Marco-Polo while driving!
The fact that people try to text while driving proves that Darwin was right.
No pelvic thrusts while driving!
No kendo practice while driving!
No leaving your seat while driving!
No using the Braille keypad at a drive-up ATM while driving…come to think of it, why is there a Braille keypad on a drive-up ATM?
No punching dumb monkey-faced liberals while driving. Swerving to hit them is another thing altogether.
No primping in the mirror…John Edwards, I’m looking right at you, buddy.
No chainsaw juggling while driving!
No jenga while driving!
No small engine repair while driving!
No Furniture assembly while driving!
Never underestimate the stupidity of your fellow man.
Yeah, and get that hand off that radio knob, too! And I almost had an accident once while adjusting my rear view mirror. So, leave your mirrors alone.
Have you ever had a tripple power sneeze while doing 70 mph in the center lane of the freeway and found yourself on an unmarked offramp afterwards? Don’t do it.
No using the George Foreman fantastic grill and making use of bun warmer, then reaching back to check your onion rings in portable ‘cool touch’ immersion deep fryer.
No driving within 24 hours of reading democraticunderground, as it alters your reality.
No neurosurgery while driving – one little bump in the road, and you’ve created a Democrat!
No LASIK procedures while driving.
No bobbing for apples while driving.
There’s braille on the drive-up ATMs because there’s braille on the walk-up ATMs. It’s cheaper to just make them all the same than to make them different for each situation.
Not to mention, a blind person could need an ATM and be driven to one, only to not be able to use it because braille wasn’t included on it, G Fresh, you insensitive un-PC lout.
Couldn’t the driver just push the buttons for them?
And besides, the ATM has directions that show up on a computer monitor. How does the blind person know when to insert and remove the card?
Personally, I think everything while driving should be outlawed….
I was on the Beltway one day & a mom with her brood of heathens was in the lane next to me – I was trapped between her & a semi. She kept turning around to scream & slug one of her tots….she would swerve into my lane every single time – got quite unnerving. I was almost ready to pull a Smokey & the Bandit move and take my chances moving to another lane UNDER the semi…..
Sheesh people – get a clue…..
But, as long as transcendental meditation while driving is still a go, I’m copacetic…..
-No rebuilding carburetors while driving.
-No writing the Great American Novel while driving
-No needlepoint while driving.
-No Driving with Ted Kennedy… EVER.
Really, they should just outlaw distracted driving and leave it at that. All this nitpicking is nuts.
Rubeus Said:
No leaving your seat while driving!
That is too harsh, you just gotta remember to set your cruise control before you leave your seat.
No more Jenga….but I was doing sooooo well!!
DesertElephant–that’s some good advice–may I also suggest that if you see Ted Kennedy driving…make sure that you’re not around any lakes…or other bodies of water.
May all you ladies and John Edwards of the world, who insist on putting your make-up on while driving….keep in mind that I enjoy seeing you stab yourself in the eye when I lay on the horn….just some food for thought
//No playing Marco-Polo while driving!//
Tell that to Ted Kennedy…
No needlepoint and no knitting while driving. I guess crochet is OK then! 🙂
No asking the driver important theological and astronomical questions like “Does God poop, and if so, what are meteors?”
No performing fellatio on the driver, Mr. Edwards.
You people should be in Washington…or maybe you already are…
“There’s braille on the drive-up ATMs because there’s braille on the walk-up ATMs. It’s cheaper to just make them all the same than to make them different for each situation.
Not to mention, a blind person could need an ATM and be driven to one, only to not be able to use it because braille wasn’t included on it, G Fresh, you insensitive un-PC lout.”
Oh sure…use logic to derail my attempt at humor. ;o)
No driving while driving.
If that happens, Shake, I’ll never get my golf balls to stop slicing.
No gerbil sex while driving.