Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths

Hillary Clinton is the only presidential candidate that is mentioned in the Book of Revelation.


  1. I had this amazing dream last night. It was some kind of presidential debate except it was also a barbecue. And on the way to the bathroom I got stuck in the hallway between Fred! and Hillary.
    They were chatting at first about their friends and families, and then Fred said something about someone saving up for college, at which point Hillary went crazy because there were OBVIOUSLY three things wrong with that statement.
    1. That someone could be saving enough money away to go to college obviously means she’s not being taxed enough.
    2. Everyone else is obviously not being taxed enough because this person seems to have to save her own money to go to college.
    3. Letting that money just sit there in the bank is wrong because (some kindergarten Marxist explanation I can’t remember)
    I then butted in and cursed Hillary, turning her into a goat.
    Fred! then smiled at me and said, “Y’know. I just might have a few job openings next January. Call me some time if you’re interested.” Then he disappeared around a corner.
    Too bad it was just a dream.

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