I’ll get some stuff up later, but if you want something now check out links at Conservative Grapevine such as:
WorldNetDaily: Duncan Hunter’s letter to George Bush: “Only 17.9 of the 854 miles of fencing” have been built.
Deputydog: 13 of the worst fake accents in film
Ynet: Arabs surf Israeli porn sites
Ann Coulter: 1 down, 11,999,999 to go.
Conservative Grapevine: If you are looking for links, then you are at right place
Along with these is this little gem:
Sticker Shock
The following “blog” is a great read and is really more than a blog. It’s fast becoming an ongoing treatise. Highly recommended IMAO.
I have a link and a joke.
Quote from the link:
The world’s oldest father has done it again, fathering a child for at least the 21st time, at the age of 90.
Now, for the joke.
This 90-year old was telling his doctor how he just had another child with his young wife.
The doctor replied, “Let’s say you go out hunting and you see a beaver. You ready, aim and then pull the trigger but all you get is a “click” as you forgot to load. At the exact time you pull the trigger you hear a “boom” and the beaver keels over dead, having been shot. What would you say?”
The old man says, “I’d say somebody else shot that beaver.”
The doctor replies, “Exactly my point.”