Sanity Check

I’ve now had a number of people over the month or two I’ve been doing this who I e-mailed questions to, but never got a response. Has anyone e-mailed me his or her answers and not had a post in Ronin Profiles? I might be missing some e-mails… because it’s hard to believe that people would receive an e-mail from me, the great Frank J., and not respond immediately. Don’t you people understand that my time is much more important than yours?


  1. “e-mail from me, the great Frank J., and not respond immediately.”
    No kidding, I responded twice when I got mine just to make sure. The only explanation is that liberals are destroying the emails in a lame attack on IMAO.

  2. Well, I never got an email but I know I would have responded right away if I had…feel free to try again and I will keep an extra sharp eye on my spam folder (although you would think google would know well enough than any mail from Frank is NOT spam).

  3. Frank, this Ed character is screwing things up again.
    Look, Ed, it’s very clear. I did not receive an email to which I did not repond to and which response you printed, but used the wrong URL. If there had been an email that I had received and yet did not respond to your Ronin profile would have included the information I did not send as a response to the email I had received as a fulfillment of a request I made in a comment I did not leave.

  4. K T, Lift your finger from the keyboard and step away from your computer.
    My pardon is freely given. Can I borrow a cup of sugar? Do I owe you 59 cents? I got my tattoo, double bitchen cool, I might add. ADD? Of couse I have add.
    Oh, Frank, I responded to your e-mail as requested, but I think it was my estranged wife that answered the questions……….
    Sorry, that wasn’t me either.

  5. The problem is you print profiles of people who don’t post. I swear I don’t recognize 75% of them, and I’m on this site every day.
    I’d let you profile me, but New York City has strict laws against racist profiling…

  6. I showered each and every day. So that can’t be it.
    I think the Comcast mail server might be discriminating against you. What am I saying? Comcast mail doesn’t discriminate against known survey spammers.
    It’s not me.
    It’s not my mail server.
    It must be you.

  7. Anxiously awaiting a word from Frank J., I check my e-mail as often as someone with an obsessive-compulsive disorder cleans or washes hands – I still have not received mine! Promise, I would have answered right away!

  8. I applied and havent gotten an E-mail. I beleive your time is important and would never ignore an E-mail from a celebrity like Frank J.
    (i changed my name to a much cooler and more fitting one)

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